
Cyber Defense Center of the St. Pölten UAS

The new Cyber Defense Center Lower Austria strengthens teaching and training in the field of IT security.
Junge Leute üben die Cybere Defense am Computer

Initial situation

Secure and reliable infrastructures have become an integral part of society and the economy. They are now considered a must-have criterion for citizens, companies and public institutions - in short, for every individual and all forms of organization.

Cyberspace - and the associated requirements for integrity, authenticity and confidentiality of the secure services available - are of great social and economic relevance. They are also one of the most important pillars for future-oriented innovation and competitiveness in Austria and worldwide.

The Cyber Defense Center (CDC) therefore plays a central role in the Austrian IT security ecosystem. Large corporations and government organizations in particular have already identified the CDC as an indispensable centerpiece in the defense against cyberattacks.

However, in order to guarantee this defense, appropriately trained personnel are required to process data on security-relevant issues and analyze them using the latest methods of artificial intelligence (AI). As training on IT security is often neglected, only a few experts have the necessary skills. Some companies are trying to counteract this problem by providing in-house training. However, many, especially those in the SME sector, lack the internal knowledge as well as the time and financial capacity to do so.


The aim of the project is to establish a Cyber Defense Center for teaching at the Department of Computer Science and Security at the St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences. The range of courses offered covers the latest developments and methods in IT security research. It focuses on attack analysis, which is unique in Austria, including the use of artificial intelligence methods. The course is aimed not only at students, but also at companies, which acquire the knowledge through further training courses, for example via the Digital Innovation Center OST (DIHOST). This increases the awareness of domestic companies for the topic of IT security - and improves the resilience of their infrastructure to cyber attacks.


By integrating the CDC into the teaching of the Department of Computer Science and Security, it is possible to further improve the quality of education for students at St. Pölten UAS and to provide unique teaching content. Students and graduates are guaranteed above-average chances of entering the job market, while at the same time this course counteracts the shortage of qualified specialists in IT security. Companies benefit on the one hand from graduates who secure IT security and on the other hand from the further training of existing employees who acquire the necessary skills in the course of workshops.


Further information

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